National Council election 1975
The National Council election of 5 October 1975 was the last at which Friedrich Peter stood as the FPÖ’s lead candidate. The FPÖ obtained 5.41 per cent of the vote (-0.04 percentage points) and 10 seats (±0).
The SPÖ under Bruno Kreisky again won an absolute majority; the ÖVP under Josef Taus remained stable.
Brief description of the election campaign
The motto of the Freedom Party's election campaign was “Notwendig für Österreich" ("Necessary for Austria"). One of the other election poster slogans was " Zur Demokratie gehören 3” (“Democracy takes 3"), an allusion to the Third Camp, which voters were encouraged to strengthen vis-à-vis the two major parties. Also in this spirit were the Freedom Party slogans “Unbequem für Rot und Schwarz” ("Awkward for red and black") and “Blauer Himmel auch nach dem Urlaub" (“Blue skies even after the holidays“), a reference to the 1975 elections taking place in the autumn.
Election result
Election result
The following parties and electoral lists stood for election at the National Council election of 1975:
Sozialistische Partei Österreichs (SPÖ)
Österreichische Volkspartei (ÖVP)
Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (FPÖ)
Kommunistische Partei Österreichs (KPÖ)
Gruppe Revolutionäre Marxisten (GRM)
Liste Franz Steinacher
Parties | Votes | Vote share 1975 | ± | Seats 1975 | ± |
SPÖ | 2,326,201 | 50.4% | +0.4% | 93 | ±0 |
ÖVP | 1,981,291 | 42.9% | -0.2% | 80 | ±0 |
FPÖ | 249,444 | 5.41% | -0.04% | 10 | ±0 |
Government formation
The election result in effect meant a continuation of Kreisky’s single-party SPÖ government. Worthy of note is that immediately after the election, the head of the Jewish Documentation Centre in Vienna, Simon Wiesenthal, raised the issue of the Nazi past of FPÖ Chairman Friedrich Peter, whereupon Federal Chancellor Bruno Kreisky defended Peter and accused Wiesenthal of working with "mafia methods".
Government formation
The election result in effect meant a continuation of Kreisky’s single-party SPÖ government. Worthy of note is that immediately after the election, the head of the Jewish Documentation Centre in Vienna, Simon Wiesenthal, raised the issue of the Nazi past of FPÖ Chairman Friedrich Peter, whereupon Federal Chancellor Bruno Kreisky defended Peter and accused Wiesenthal of working with "mafia methods".