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2019 EU elections

General information on the European elections

The European Parliament has been directly elected since 1979. European Parliament elections take place every five years. Each country organises the elections itself, and sends a certain number of MEPs based on the size of its population. In Austria, elections will be held on 26 May 2019.

The smallest countries send at least six MEPs, the largest ones up to 96. The number of seats in the European Parliament will, however, be reduced after the upcoming elections from 751 to 705 because of Brexit. The number of seats held by Austria in the European Parliament will be increased this way from the current 18 to 19. Given that the UK has not left the EU yet, it is uncertain whether these changes will be in effect during the EP election in May 2019.

The members of the European Parliament organise themselves into political groups and not according to their Member States.

In contrast to national parliaments, the EP has no right of initiative. Legislative proposals come from the Commission, and must be approved both by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. The European Parliament can only call on the Commission to act in certain matters.

There are twelve plenary sessions a year in Strasbourg, while the committee meetings take place in Brussels and the administration is mainly based in Luxembourg.

Further links: 

The European Parliament:

Guide for municipalities in the European elections (in German):<wbr />Europawahlen/Europawahl_2019/<wbr />files/Leitfaden_EU_Wahl_2019.<wbr />pdfEuropean Elections 2019

Guide for district and state election authorities for the European elections (in German):<wbr />Europawahlen/Europawahl_2019/<wbr />files/EX101a_Leitfaden_<wbr />BezirkLand_V3_E-FREIGEGEBEN-<wbr />2019-03-28.pdf

2019 European elections – general information and deadlines (in German):

How do I vote in the European elections in Austria?

FPÖ in Europe:

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