Blackout: Preparedness and crisis management
Seminar in Krems District
In Walkersdorf (district of Krems/Lower Austria), a lecture on the topic of "Blackout: Preparedness and Crisis Management" was held by the Freiheitliche Bildungsinstitut on July 27, 2022.
Speaker Dietmar Heuritsch explained possible causes, duration and effects of a blackout and dealt very practically with individual crisis precautions as well as possible crisis precautions on the municipal level. Elisabeth Pummer took over the welcoming. The topic met with lively interest from the participants, as was evident in the subsequent discussion. Among those present was also David Falböck, city councilor and FPÖ city party chairman of Langenlois, as well as deputy FPÖ chairman of the district of Krems, who emphasized the importance of creating crisis awareness and addressing the issue of blackout preparedness among the population.