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The nine provincial parties

Information on the FPÖ: Read the essentials in a brief and concise summary.

Analogous to the federal structure of the Federal Republic of Austria, each of the nine provinces also has its own FPÖ provincial party. According to the FPÖ Statutes, these are an organ of the federal party and both financially and organisationally independent of it. They are led by the Provincial Party Chairman, or Provincial Party Chairwoman.

All provincial parties have their own legal personality and may have their own statutes. These must, however, be substantively aligned to the federal statutes of the FPÖ. In organisational terms, a provincial party is composed of district parties - these correspond to the state administrative districts and to cities with their own statutes - and at the community level, of the individual local groups. In addition, the most important organ of the provincial parties is the provincial party conference. It is also responsible for the election of the provincial party chairwoman or chairman. Furthermore, the provincial party conference appoints the Provincial Party Executive (Landesparteivorstand), which is responsible for the direct management of the affairs of the provincial party.

Very important for nationwide coordination between the individual provincial parties is the Federal Party Executive, the FPÖ's governing body, in which all nine provincial party leaders have a seat and can cast their vote. As an advisory body, there is also the Conference of Party Leaders (Obleutekonferenz), which is composed of the federal party leader and the provincial party leaders.

FPÖ membership is a matter for the provincial parties

In addition, membership in the FPÖ is a matter for the provincial parties. Provincial parties are responsible for the membership of those whose main residence is located in their territory; they decide on the granting of party membership and are also responsible for membership administration - including, for example, the question of membership fees. There is therefore no separate federal party or provincial party membership.

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