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Team Building Seminar of the Club of the Young Academy

Mastering Challenges as a Team

The team building seminar of the Club of the Young Academy, which by now has become a tradition in its own right, took place in Gosau, Upper Austria, on 9 and 10 July 2021. Participants and graduates of the various classes were offered an exciting and challenging programme.

Besides practising demanding cycling techniques with e-bikes, participants mastered a via Newsdetailferrata, including a challenging abseiling exercise, together under the motto “being able to rely on each other, learn new things and overcoming one’s own fears. The second day featured a tubing tour on the Lammer river. There was plenty of time for culture too: Off the beaten tourist track, participants were offered a guided tour of the World Heritage Site Hallstatt, where they visited excavation sites that are not normally open to tourists.

In between, there was a great deal of political discussion, and plenty of opportunity for networking and building comradeship. All participants agreed: They want to come back for more next year.


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