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Completion of the Media Academy

Media work during election campaigns, publishing, radio and television journalism

In the final module of this year’s FPÖ Education Institute Media Academy on 19 and 20 September in Vienna, participants discussed the practical experience they had gained on summer internships at various media outlets and compared and contrasted the independent media and mainstream media.

The programme included presentations and discussions on the Austrian publishing landscape and the work of small publishers with Werner Reichel from the “Frank und Frei” publishing house, on the media situation during the Vienna municipal election campaign with the Chairman of the Vienna FPÖ and leading candidate Dominik Nepp, on the structure of private radio stations and the operation of private television channels with the private radio pioneer and long-standing publishing director of the weekly magazine “ZurZeit”, Walter Tributsch, as well as a workshop on media strategies and developing a media concept.

The final module ended with the participants receiving their certificates of participation. 

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